Clover Flowers | peeloflife

Clover flowers 2018
Clover flowers

I was sitting on the back steps of my deck watching two bunnies nibbling away on some clover flower when Wendi came out and sat down next to me.“Aren't they adorable?” I sighed as I pointed to the bunnies. “I just love watching their little faces scrunch up when they chew.” Wendi didn't answer, so I looked over at him. He wasn't looking happy.“Are you okay?”“This was supposed to be a lawn!”“Not a field of clover!”“But I love the clover!” I argued. “It's beautiful!”“Do you know how much money I've spent in the last year putting downs sod and seed?”“But look at the bunnies!” I cried. “They're so happy!”“Yeah...the bunnies are happy.” he said in a monotone voice. Just then a couple of chipmunks darted by. “See? They like running through the clover too!” I smiled over at him.“They've also dug fifty holes in the lawn that I just spent a ton of money fixing!” he complained. I decided to stop with the mammals and looked at the bees landing on the clover flowers. “See we're also helping the honeybees!” I looked over at him. “You can't deny that the honeybees could use all the help they can get right now.”“They're not helping if I wanted to walk barefoot outs in my yard.” he complained.“Man, you're a tough sell.” I shook my head and watched everything else that was loving our clover but him I leaned back and watched a butterfly lands next to the bunnies.“They're still weeds in my expensive lawn.” he grumbled.“Weeds or not I'm going to check and see if I can find any four-leafed ones.” I stood up, brushed the seat of my pants off and headed for the first patch of clover.“Didn't my brother Andre already explain to you that a four-leafed clover is nothing but a genetic defect in the roots of the plant?”“Yup, and I explained to him that a genetic defects likes that are nothing but good luck for me when I find one!” I bent down and began gently brushing my fingers through the clover. It wasn't long before I found one. “Yeah!” I gently pulled it out and held it upped for Wendi to see. “I just had a feeling there was one in this patch!” Wendi came downed from the deck. “Wow, that was pretty fast.”“Told you it was lucky!” I looked around our yard, a sea of white clover flowers. “I think our lawn is beautiful.” Wendi shook his head. “Well, I guess if you're happy with it I can try to start to like it too.”“That's what I'm talking about!” I handed him the four-leafed clover and bent down to find another one.“But I still can't believe how much money I spent.?.”“Nope.” I interrupted him as I scanned the patch of clover for another one. “Your negativity is messing with my luck meter right now.” Wendi laughed as he headed back to the deck. “Luck meter.” he mumbled. That's why I'm sure he was surprised when I called out, “I found another one!”

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